How To Put A Cork Back In A Wine Bottle

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A cork is put in a wine bottle to seal the contents inside. But just as often, we have put a cork in a wine bottle and want to take it out again. 

This article will guide you through the process of removing the cork from inside the wine bottle without damaging it or making a mess!

There Are Many Ways To Get A Cork Back In A Wine Bottle.

1) Push The Cork Back In

The most straightforward way to put a cork back in is to push it right back into the wine bottle. Push gently and firmly down on the top of the cork until you hear it pop into place inside the neck of the bottle. 

This method will leave behind some dust or particles from your hand, so try not to touch anything else after pushing a cork in!

2) Push The Stuck Cork Inside The Bottle

This method requires you to put the cork back into the bottle, but not inside completely.

Take a knife or other object and push it through from one side of the neck on top of where you put your thumb down on top of the cork in an attempt to shove it further towards its final resting place. 

Once that’s done, remove any debris from around the wine bottle neck by wiping with another clean cloth. Now put your hand over both sides of the mouthpiece and press firmly (still holding onto them) until you hear/feel pressure being released as well as air coming out at this point.

This is due to how close together these two points are!

3) Screw It Back On

Once you hear a hissing sound, put the cork back on and screw it in tight.

 It can be difficult to do this if your wine bottle is old and has oxidized over time but at least give it an attempt!

This method of how to put a cork back in a wine bottle requires much more work than the first one because not only will you have to clean around where the neck meets with the mouthpiece, as well to put everything together again, but also tighten up whatever might need tightening.

How To Store Wine Effectively?

The most important thing to do when storing wine is to put it on its side in a cabinet or cellar. Keeping the cork wet will prevent any air from seeping into that space and turning your toothpaste-tasting drink into vinegar.

 Remember, always store your bottles horizontally!

There are also specific cabinets for wines if you have room, with temperature control as well as humidifiers installed inside them.

 This way they can keep at an ideal range of 66-72F degrees without having to constantly worry about anything else than watching them age gracefully!

How To Use Wine Accessories To Preserve The Life Of Your Wine?

Wine accessories are what you need to put wine in its best light. Most people want to take good care of their best dry white wine.


Corks can dry out over time, so it’s good to have a few stoppers on hand! Stoppers not only keep the air from altering your wine but also stop bugs or dust particles from getting into the bottle and screwing up everything (yuck). 

They’re cheap and easy enough for anyone to use with no special training whatsoever. Just put them at either end of the cork before sliding them down until they make contact with each other for an airtight seal that will last as long as possible. 

Some people might put wax paper between the two pieces of metal just in case there is any moisture inside when putting together which then would put the stopper and cork together for a longer period of time.

There are also wine keys that some people put on their keychains to keep with them at all times, but one thing to be careful of is not using your teeth when opening up corks because you might chip or break a tooth!

How Long Does Opened Red Wine Last?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors. The most important factor is whether or not the wine has been put back in its original bottle with a cork, sealed airtight, and stored properly at room temperature. A whole opened red wine will last for about three to five days if put back into an unopened container and stored upright where there’s no light exposure before it begins oxidizing.

A partially open white wine should be put away after four hours while only one hour of storage time would be needed for any type of carbonated beverage like beer because they are already pressurized inside their bottles when purchased.

 Beer also contains more alcohol which means that even less oxygen can affect change over time.

Is It Bad To Drink A Whole Bottle Of Wine In One Night?

Not everyone is the same, so there’s no hard-and-fast rule on how long any given person can put off drinking alcohol before their bodies start craving more.

 But for most people, two days without booze are enough time to enjoy an occasional glass or two with friends and family while not feeling like they have to stop after just one round because they had already gone too far.

Alcohol consumption should be monitored by all drinkers if only for peace of mind but also because having that nightly drink as part of your routine means you’re probably less likely to overindulge than someone who drinks when they feel like it.

Wine Goes Bad In The Fridge? Here’s What You Should Know

Storing wine in the fridge can affect its flavor and put it at risk of going bad. 

When storing your bottle of vino, you should be mindful of how long it’s been opened before placing into a refrigerator as well as keeping it away from any light sources to avoid ruining the delicate color and aroma that come with drinking quality wine.


One of the best ways to put a cork back in a wine bottle is by using your thumb as leverage on the table and pressing down. 

With this method, you should be able to wiggle the cork into place without much effort at all! Remember that if it’s too tight or difficult, just try again until it goes right in.

Carlos Flood

Hello, I'm Carlos Flood. I am a wine writer and the wine editor for The Wine Enthusiast Magazine. I have been writing about wine since 2008, but my love affair with all things grape started much earlier: when I was barely old enough to pick up a glass of vino at family dinners. As a food and drink journalist, my goal is simple: to help people know more about what they are drinking by providing them with information that will inform their decisions.

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