6 Ways to Store Wine After Opening Without a Cork

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When you open a bottle of wine but don’t drink it all you need a way to store the remaining wine! It’s important to know how to store wine without a cork so that the rest of your bottle doesn’t go to waste.

In this article, we will discuss 6 ways on how you can store and save your wine in case of an emergency like a broken cork!

6 Ways To Store Wine After Opening Without A Cork

1. Refrigerate The Wine

Refrigerating the wine keeps the temperature down which helps to keep it fresher for longer and to and prevent spoilage.

Ideally you will combine this step with other items in this article. Find some way to seal the bottle as well, even if it is as simple as some tin foil or plastic wrap.

Be sure to keep the bottle upright in the fridge, assuming laying it down is even an option, do not lay the bottle down! Keeping it upright will reduce the surface area of the exposed wine.

Wine experts recommend storing your opened bottle of wine in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Not longer than this so as not to damage the flavor or alcohol content.

Tip: Get into the habit of putting the cork in the fridge too, as soon as you open the wine. Assuming the cork is still intact, the lower temperature will shrink it. Making it easier to re-cork, so you will not be looking for solutions to store the wine without a cork since you will still have the cork!

2. The Wine Should Be Put Into A Small Container

There are many advantages to transferring your wine into a smaller container. One of the biggest is that it will take up less space in your refrigerator, which means you can store other food items around it and not have to worry about running out of room for anything else. 

It also prevents any spills from happening if you happen to shake or tilt the bottle as well!

3. Use A Piece Of A Paper Towel If You Want To Re-Cork It

If you happen to have the original cork from when you first opened your bottle, or happen to find a piece of paper towel that is about the same size as it and can be wrapped around it without being sticky on either side, then this could also work.

4. Use A Piece Of Paper To Wrap The Cork

Re-cork the original cork back into the bottle it came from. This will also provide you with an extra layer, which can help keep any remaining wine in place so that it doesn’t spill out onto the table or countertop where you have it stored.

If for some reason this is unsuccessful at keeping all of your wine from spilling onto surfaces around it, there are also other methods available such as using plastic wrap, cling film (saran wrap), aluminum foil, and even tin foil!

5. You Shouldn’T Keep Your Wine In Heat Or Light

In order to keep your wine tasting just as good, if not better than when you originally opened it, avoid storing it in heat and light. 

This is because both of these elements have the ability to break down the compounds that are present in wine altogether which will cause them to taste different from what they once did or even spoiled entirely. 

So instead, store your bottles away from any windows and doors where there’s lots of sunlight coming through during the daytime hours preferably on a shelf or pantry shelf at around 50 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 13-14 degrees Celsius).

6. Be Aware Of The Wine’S Sparkle

One thing that you’ll want to be careful of when storing wine for any amount of time is sparkling wines. 

These types are more prone to losing their fizz because they’re carbonated and have a higher acid content, so it’s best not to store them in the fridge or near other things with strong smells like onions which can also cause bubbles within these bottles to disappear over time.

Why Do Good Wines Go Bad?

There are many different factors that can contribute to a wine going “bad,” but the most common culprit is oxygen. 

The more air your wine has exposure to, the faster it will oxidize and spoil.. so be sure not to store these bottles on their sides or in an area where they’re exposed to lots of sunlight.

How Do You Keep The Wine Fresh After Opening?

One of the simplest ways to store wine after opening is by transferring it into a decanter. This will allow you to enjoy your bottle while also preventing oxygen from coming in contact with the remaining liquid. 

You can also wrap up any leftover wine and put that into an airtight container for later consumption, although this may not be as simple if you have more than one bottle left over.

Is It Bad To Drink A Whole Bottle Of Wine In One Night?

Many people have a misconception that it’s bad to drink an entire bottle of wine in one sitting. This is not true, and many benefits are associated with following this practice.

These include the removal of toxins from your body, increased sleep quality at night as well as reduced irritation levels throughout the day.

If you’re able to handle drinking alcohol without feeling nauseous or suffering from a headache afterward then this may be something worth considering for those who want to experience its positive effects on their bodies while also enjoying some time relaxing by themselves after work.

How To Save Sparkling Wine Without A Cork?

  • Don’t refrigerate the wine.
  • Keep it in a cool, dark place away from direct light or heat.
  • If you plan to drink all of your bubbly at once then put it on ice beforehand and pour it into glasses before drinking so that no air enters the bottle while pouring. If not then store upside down with good airflow for up to 24 hours after opening.

How To Put The Cork Back In A Wine Bottle?

If you have a wine corker and some corks from other bottles then the easiest way to reinsert your original cork is by cutting it in half with clean scissors so that when inserted, only about one inch of its width will remain outside the bottle.


at the end of this article, we have learned about the six ways to store wine after opening without a cork. 

moreover, if you plan on drinking all of your bubbly at once then put it on ice beforehand and pour it into glasses before drinking so no air enters while pouring.

Carlos Flood

Hello, I'm Carlos Flood. I am a wine writer and the wine editor for The Wine Enthusiast Magazine. I have been writing about wine since 2008, but my love affair with all things grape started much earlier: when I was barely old enough to pick up a glass of vino at family dinners. As a food and drink journalist, my goal is simple: to help people know more about what they are drinking by providing them with information that will inform their decisions.

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